Congratulations to Yee Leng & Shu Mei on becoming Golden Atlantis teachers. You have special psychic talents, kind hearts, and a deep connection with Golden Atlantis wisdom. Your light is ready to be shone in the Golden Future.
恭喜Yee Leng & Shu Mei成為黃金亞特蘭提斯老師,你們擁有特殊的靈通天賦,善良純真的心,與黃金亞特蘭提斯的古老智慧有著深厚的連結。 你們的光芒已準備好在黃金未來閃耀。
Diana Cooper School of White Light
If you could read English please DM or send an email to to book this course with Master Teacher Yen Chi Wang, thank you:)
P.s 此課程目前僅有英文授課,請寄信至freelenstheta@gmail.com預約線上面談